

Working together with community organizations and other stakeholders, we seek to create, host, or participate in accessible webinars that relate to our work towards substantive equality.

Browse our past webinars.

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A person wearing headphones is looking at a computer monitor.
Unsplash / Simon Abrams

Focusing on key issue areas like family well-being, constitutional rights, and access to healthcare, our online webinars offer low-barrier opportunities to learn more about justice and gender equity. Our webinars can take many forms: panel discussions with experts, in-depth conversations between knowledge-holders, Q & A’s with advocates, to name a few.

Can’t attend the webinar live? No problem! We post recordings of all our webinars on our YouTube channel and on each webinar page. 

Interested in partnering with us for a future webinar or webinar series? Email community@westcoastleaf.org.

Explore our work

Take action for justice and equity!

Child Welfare Advocacy Communities of Practice

This project focused on building spaces for advocacy to improve outcomes for families engaged in the family policing system, as well as those who support them…

A large group of adults and children have their backs to the camera watching the sunset on a beach.

Gender Equality Report Card 2021/2022

The 2021/2022 Gender Equality Report Card assesses BC’s progress in advancing gender equality in economic security and access to healthcare. The report card shares what actions the government has taken and…

Re-Envisioning Public Legal Education and Information (PLEI)

In 2020-2021, we undertook an in-depth analysis of public legal education and information, exploring how to facilitate…

Joint Submission in response to MCFD’s Social Work Oversight Engagement

West Coast LEAF made a joint submission to the Ministry of Child and Family Development (MCFD) to provide input into the ministry’s work on social work oversight…