Our Work

Our Work

Creating transformational change for gender justice and substantive equality

For most of us, navigating the legal system is costly and complex. It’s also fraught with challenging barriers that perpetuate inequality and injustice. 

We work to effect transformational change in BC (and beyond) through litigation, law reform, and public legal education designed to create a more equitable, accessible, and just legal system for all.

explore our work

Protest sign held up in the air reading "we demand justice and change"
unsplash / Logan Weaver

Together, we’re moving toward gender justice

Our efforts to advance gender-related justice and substantive equality are focused within six priority areas: healthcare, access to justice, economic security, gender-based violence, criminalization and family well-being.

Take action for justice and equity!

Single Mothers’ Alliance v BC: Taking the fight for family law legal aid to court [2019]

In BC, most applications for family law legal aid are denied outright or the legal support…

Five lawyers from West Coast LEAF and the Centre for Family Equity stand in front of the BC Law Courts.

Child Welfare Advocacy Communities of Practice

This project focused on building spaces for advocacy to improve outcomes for families engaged in the family policing system, as well as those who support them…

Gender Equality Report Card

The Gender Equality Report Card is an ongoing project that assesses the BC government’s progress in advancing gender equality, by asking where government action is overdue…

Re-Envisioning Public Legal Education and Information (PLEI)

In 2020-2021, we undertook an in-depth analysis of public legal education and information, exploring how to facilitate…